Using Primary Sources as Evidence - Welcome video
Text Version

(Visual description: Graphic shows title "Using Primary Sources as Evidence" as upbeat music plays. Dissolves to Jasmine speaking to the camera.)

Hello again! I've been so busy, and I am learning SO MUCH about Harriet Tubman for my research project.
(Visual description: Jasmine speaks to the camera)

You may know her as the conductor on the Underground Railroad who led other enslaved people to freedom.
(Visual description: Jasmine continues to speak to the camera as a black and white photo of Harriet Tubman slides on the screen)

But I'm curious to find out how much did she inspire other abolitionists – that is to say, other people who worked to end slavery. (Visual description: photographs of other abolitionists fill the screen)

In fact, that's the central question for my project: "Did Harriet Tubman inspire other abolitionists?"
(Visual description: text being typed on a computer screen)

My teacher, Mr. Lexington, says that in order to answer that question, I have to use primary sources as evidence.
(Visual description: Jasmine talking to the camera as Mr. Lexington appears in a bubble above her shoulder)

Mr. Lexington LOVES primary sources! And he has some really good advice on how to use them as evidence.
(Visual description: Jasmine on screen, addressing the camera