How to Cite the Right Way - Zoe's Notecards
Text Version

(Visual description: A stack of clickable notecards with colored paper clips at the top)

Note Taking Tips

Green paperclip: Be careful of messy note taking! This can lead to accidental plagiarism.

Red paperclip: Put the quotes you want to use in BIG quotation marks. That way, you remember that the words are not yours. Write down the source and page number on each notecard.

Purple paperclip:Make sure that each fact in your notes has a citation and a source.

Orange paperclip: Try not to use full sentences in your notes.

For instance, instead of writing:
“Harriet Tubman was born in 1822 and lived in Dorchester County, MD”

- Harriet Tubman born 1822
- Lived in Dorchester County, MD.