How to Cite the Right Way - Learn It video
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(Visual description: Graphic shows title "How to Cite the Right Way" as upbeat music plays. Dissolves to Jasmine sitting on a couch. Her phone rings and she answers it.)

Jasmine: Hey, Zoe.
(Visual description: Camera cuts to Zoe walking out of school holding her phone in one hand and a paper in the other.)

Zoe: Oh, Jasmine. I’m so upset. Mr. Lexington says I plagiarized part of my National History Day project!
(Visual description: Cut to over the shoulder shot of Jasmine on the phone.)

Jasmine: How could that be? You worked so hard on that project! And you had so many research notes. (Visual description: cut back to Zoe who sits on a bench)

Zoe: I know! Well, actually, I think the research notes might have been part of the problem. I wasn’t very careful about how I wrote things down. I’d read something in a book. Then, instead of paraphrasing the idea, I copied directly from the passage into my notes. When I went back to write the paper, I forgot that those words weren’t mine. I copied from my notes without realizing I was using the same wording as the source.