Creating a National Political System and Culture (1783-1824)

How did Americans come together after the Revolutionary War, and what problems did they have?

Topic 1: Made in the USA: Early American Industries

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources, including maps, songs, and artwork, about early American industries.

colorful painting of Chicago riverbanks with Native Americans in canoes

Topic 2: Who Needs the Constitution, Anyway?

This inquiry kit features sources from the Library of Congress, including maps, songs, and artwork, about the United States Constitution.

vintage sheet music

Topic 3: Land Land Land, From Sea to Shining Sea

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources, including maps and documents, about the Westward Expansion.

an old map showing sectioned-off parcels of land in northwestern Ohio

Topic 4: Mixed Messages: Lewis and Clark Encounter Native Americans

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources that depict interactions between Native Americans and the Lewis and Clark expedition.

black and white etching of Lewis firing a gun at a Native American

Topic 5: You Can't Please All of the People All of the Time

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources, including images and documents, about the expansion of the national government.

typeset text on paper with Commonwealth of Massachusetts letterhead