Democracy Challenged (1968-1980)

What did Americans do during the big changes in the United States and around the world?


Topic 1: Equal Rights Amendment

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources examining support for and against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

black and white photo of women in the back of a station wagon holding signs

Topic 2: Public Opinion: America and The War in Vietnam

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources related to public opinion on the Vietnam War.

black and white photo of a line of men being looked over by a drill sergeant

Topic 3: President Nixon and Watergate

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources examining the major political scandal known as Watergate.

screenshot of video of Nixon addressing the camera

Topic 4: American Indian Movement: Native Americans Fight Back

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources related to the civil rights work of the American Indian Movement (AIM) in late 1960 and early 1970.

screenshot of video shows two Native American men holding rifles

Topic 5: The Oil Crisis

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources examining the reasons for the energy crisis and the impact of the oil ban in the 1970s.

black and white photo of a large number of cars waiting in line for gas