Modern America (1981-Present)

Why is the United States important to the whole world?


Topic 1: Activism to Fight AIDS

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources relating to AIDS activism.

photo of the AIDS quilt with the U.S. Capitol building in the background

Topic 2: The Fall of the Berlin Wall

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources relating to the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989.

screenshot of video showing President Reagan preparing to give a speech

Topic 3: Persian Gulf War: Female Veterans' Voices

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources and highlights women who served in Operation Desert Storm, or the Gulf War.

black type on a white background

Topic 4: Modern Immigration Stories

This document collection features primary and secondary related to modern immgration.

screenshot of website with dark red text on a tan backround, includes black and white photos of immigrants

Topic 5: September 11th

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources examining the reasons for the energy crisis and the impact of the oil ban in the 1970s.

front page of newspaper declaring in a large headline that the U.S. has been attacked

Topic 6: The Beginnings of the World Wide Web

This inquiry kit features primary and secondary sources on the early days of computers and the beginning of the World Wide Web.

colorful graphic showing many different connections to a central computer image

Topic 7: Tejano Music: A Genre That Brings Cultures Together

This kit contains primary and secondary sources on Tejano music, a genre that originated in Texas within the Mexican-American community and that is influenced by the many cultures present in Texas.

colorful drawn portrait of a female musician holding guitar