A Nation Divided and Rebuilt: Reform, Slavery, Civil War and Reconstruction (1824-1865)

What did the Civil War do to families and towns? Why did people want change?


Topic 1: Slavery in the Mid-Atlantic

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources about the history of slavery in the United States.

sepia-toned paper map of the Southern United States showing shaded counties based on slave population

Topic 2: Women and Reform

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources and focuses on the role of women in reform movements.

color painting of a man and two women with a bottle of wine

Topic 3: The Irish Brigade

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources about the Irish Brigade during the American Civil War.

black and white photo of five men posing for a photo in a clearing in the woods

Topic 4: Andersonville Camp for Union Prisoners

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources, including photographs, songs, and letters, related to life at Andersonville Civil War Prison Camp.

color hand-drawn lettering of the prison name with the top of a map showing at the bottom of the image

Topic 5: Civil War Music

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources, including songs and photographs, focusing on the music of the American Civil War.

circular framed black and white photo of a young man in a musician's uniform

Topic 6: Abraham Lincoln Speaks

This inquiry kit features Library of Congress sources and focuses on four of Abraham Lincoln's key speeches.

vintage black and white photo with Lincoln visible amidst a large crowd of people

Topic 7: What They Carried: The Objects and Clothing of Enslaved Women

This inquiry kit features primary and secondary sources about the personal belongings of enslaved women in 19th century America.

photograph of a white skirt that appears stained